Drew Schug's Blog about search engine optimization, technology, web design, marketing, dogs and general life items.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Getting a Dog

So I am getting a dog... I can't say what kind yet as it is a secret. But I have been reading the book "Clicking with your dog" written and illustrated by Peggy Tillman, and I must say it is a good easy read. It 's all about using a clicker to train your dog. I'm pretty excited about this as I have always wanted to train my dog to do some tricks, but never knew a good way. I'm sure that I will have more about how effective this is in the future. (I will be getting a dog in approximately 2 weeks) The books concept, seems complicated at first although most of it makes sense if you think about it, I would highly recommend it thus far. I'll post a remark if it works or not.

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