Drew Schug's Blog about search engine optimization, technology, web design, marketing, dogs and general life items.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Transmit FTP Software

Transmit is a pretty good Mac ftp program. While Cyberduck works well for what it is (Free). Transmit just works, and works well for doing any real website work. I have been having issues with Cyberduck downloading the appropriate files on sites as well as working on my own site, I finally buckled and bought Transmit.
One of the features that I really like is the ability to work right off of the server. It also integrates well with Adobe Dreamweaver, among other site editors like Textmate. I'm still getting into permissions setting and .mac support, among other numerous features it has. But I will post any other great features that I find.

Thanks Joseph and Matt for showing me reasons to switch.


Anonymous said...

Now that you've drank the punch, why not take a bigger gulp and taste Coda. Doesn't leave that little bit of throw-up taste in your mouth when you fire it up like Dreamweaver does. It has a much smoother finish.

Anonymous said...

this is true :)
