Drew Schug's Blog about search engine optimization, technology, web design, marketing, dogs and general life items.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Switching it up again

Just a quick public service announcement. As of January 1, 2007 I will be changing jobs again. This is twice in 6 months. Hopefully the new position will be better than the old. Although I don't hate, loathe or dislike my old employer. Actually it has been a good working relationship for me and a good lesson in global economics. I never took global economics in college, but now feel that I have had enough projects to get at least 3 credits. My current company has been kind and overall good people to work for. I will miss part of it, however the new opportunity is just to great to pass up. Their was just a feeling of mutual respect when I introduced myself, and discussed the opportunity with them. I got a sense of a tight knit group that's looking at the big picture without forgetting the little things. I am greatly looking forward to this and am excited about this fresh start, great people, leadership and from what I can tell a great company.

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