Drew Schug's Blog about search engine optimization, technology, web design, marketing, dogs and general life items.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

New logo for me

Over the years, I've had several logos. Since I've officially gone out on my own, I felt my other logo was great for personal use. But I wanted something a little bit more professional and less of a character of myself. So I cooked up a new logo.  A little lightning bolt. With this logo I'm trying to encompass something stark as well as the bolt makes an abstract 'S'. Also as I am doing more Search Engine Optimization, it invokes thoughts  cloud tagging, and brain storms. I wanted to get feedback on it before I started pasting it too many places.  So feel free to email me or post up a comment, as I'd love to get some feedback if you have a few seconds. Constructive Criticism is much appreciated.

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